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Politechniki Koszalińskiej

Mediterranean : anchorages on the South Coast of Spain : from Spanish Government Surveys to 1891 /

Mediterranean : anchorages on the South Coast of Spain : from Spanish Government Surveys to 1891 / published at the Admiralty 25th Sept. 1891, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton R.N., F.R.S. Hydrographer. - Small corrections [...] 1959. , Scales different. - London : [Hydrographic Office], Admiralty, 1959. - 5 map na jednym arkuszu: jednobarwne ; 58x34 cm i mniejsze, na arkuszu 86x71 cm. - (Admiralty Chart ; 1588 )

Sabinilla, Estepona, Marbella and Torremolinos Anchorages

Arkusz tak zwanej serii: Admiralty Chart ; 1588. Dolny margines noty : Small corrections [...] 1959. New Editions [...] 29th Jan.y. 1913. (32.98 x 24.09). Engraved 1891. Z/c 1958. Nad prawym górnym narożnikiem ramki 207.59.
Pod adresem wydawniczym: Crown Copyright Reserved.
Rok wydania jest datą ostatnich poprawek.

Torremolinos Anchorage. Natural scale 1:18 300 ; Almeria Road. Natural Scale 1: 11 840 ; Sabinilla Anchorage. Natural scale 1:18 200 ; Estepona Anchorage. Natural scale 1:18 200. Marbella Anchorage. Natural Scale 1:18 200.


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