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Politechniki Koszalińskiej

Italy - West Coast : Golfo di Pozzuoli /

Italy - West Coast : Golfo di Pozzuoli / from the Italian Government Plan of 1902 : with corrections to 1954 ; published at the Admiralty, 7th October 1890, under the Superintendence of Captain W.J.L. Wharton, R.N., F.R.S., Hydrographer. - Small corrections [...] 1958. , Scales different ; Projection - Gnomonic. - London : [Hydrographic Office], Admiralty, 1958. - 2 mapy na jednym arkuszu : jednobarwne ; 67x61 cm i mniejsza, na arkuszu 103x70 cm. - (Admiralty Chart ; 1400 )

Golfo di Pozzuoli

Arkusz tak zwanej serii Admiralty Chart ; 1400. Dolny margines noty : Small corrections [...] 1958. New Editions [...] 3rd August 1917. Large Corrections [...] 14th Dec. 1956. (38.08 x 26.00). Engraved 1890. Enamel 1953. Z.10-58. Mapa poboczna : Torre Annunziata : from the Italian Government Plan of 1933, with corrections to 1955. Natural Scale 1:8 000. Mapa poboczna : Castellammare di Stabia : from the Italian Government Plan of 1933, with corrections to 1955. Natural Scale 1:6 000. Nad prawym górnym narożnikiem ramki 170.59.
Pod adresem wydawniczym: Crown Copyright Reserved.
Rok wydania jest datą ostatnich poprawek.

Italy - West Coast : Rada di Castellammare di Stabia : from the Italian Government Plan of 1888, with corrections to 1955. Natural Scale 1:20 000.


Adriatyk (morze)
Pozzuoli (Włochy)

Mapa morska
Mapa hydrograficzna

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